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Causes Of Delayed Menstruation

Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is like a cycle of physical changes in the girl’s body that are controlled by female hormones so that it causes regular bleeding that usually occurs once a month, coming from the womb and flowing through the vagina, and a girl’s menstruation may begin in the age period between 9-16 years.

It is worth noting that the importance of the menstrual cycle is preparing the woman's body for pregnancy, and if no pregnancy occurs, menstrual blood will come out; The reasons for the occurrence of bleeding are attributed to the hormonal relationship between the brain and the ovaries, which helps in ovulation and reinforces the lining of the uterus and increases its thickness to prepare the uterus for the occurrence of pregnancy, but when pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels differ, so the endometrium begins to shed from the uterine wall, and the bleeding begins, and once the lining is finished shedding The uterus starts menstruating again. It is important to know that the length of the menstrual cycle varies between women. Women in their twenties and thirties may have a period ranging from 21-38 days.

Causes Of Delayed Menstruation

Causes of a delay in menstruation

The delay of the menstrual cycle, especially for those who are accustomed to it at its time and regular time in each month, maybe a worrying and sometimes painful thing, and there are many reasons that can lead to the delay of the menstrual period, including:

  • Feeling of tension: It has been observed that a prolonged period of stress and mood swings affects a woman's menstrual cycle, it may make it longer or shorter than usual, and also may cause her to be absent or late. In fact, when stress is a cause of delayed menstruation, a woman may suffer from very painful cramps, and for this it is recommended to avoid the main cause that was a source of tension, to exercise regularly, and to make sure to get enough restful sleep, which helps to get rid of tension and reduce From its severity, and the regularity of the menstrual cycle again.

  • Perimenopause: Menopause is known among people as menopause or the age of hope, and the average age at which menopause occurs is 52 years, and it means the absence of a menstrual period for a period of at least 12 months, and sometimes many women suffer from symptoms of a period around Menopause early, i.e. 10-15 years before the complete menopause, so her menstrual cycle is delayed and its regularity is disturbed, and these symptoms are due to an imbalance in the levels of the estrogen hormone, which in turn regulates the menstrual cycle in women.

  • Weight loss: Extreme weight loss and intense exercise are a strong reason for delaying the menstrual cycle. Losing weight below a healthy body weight or lowering body fat percentage than normal can change the levels of reproductive hormones and reduce them to the point that does not allow ovulation or menstruation to occur. That is why a woman whose menstrual cycle is late to its original date after losing a great deal of weight is advised to consult a nutritionist to get the appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that her body needs.

  • Obesity: As we mentioned above that significant weight loss affects a woman’s menstrual cycle, as well as obesity negatively affects the regularity of the woman’s menstrual cycle.

  • Taking contraceptive drugs: Some types of drugs that are used to prevent pregnancy depend on hormones that may cause a missed period for a certain period. In fact, these drugs usually contain the hormones estrogen and progestin, which function to keep the lining of the uterus so thin that there is not enough of the lining to cause menstruation.

  • Hormonal changes: Any disruption or imbalance in the levels of some hormones in a woman's body may lead to a delay in the menstrual cycle. Such as thyroid hormones, and prolactin hormone, which is also known as the milk hormone, and it is worth noting that this is easy to detect by conducting blood tests for these hormones, and then reviewing specialist doctors to determine the causes of the imbalance of hormone levels, some of which are inherited within the family and some of them It indicates a critical illness after the doctor determines the cause, he gives the woman drugs that modify hormone levels, which regulates the date of her menstrual cycle.

  • PCOS: PCOS is one of the most important hormonal disorders that affect women of childbearing age, and what distinguishes it is the formation of small cysts on the ovaries, the increase in the chance of acne, increased facial and body hair, and the affected woman may suffer from obesity, irregular menstruation Monthly or its absence, it is worth noting is the necessity of seeing a doctor in order to evaluate the pathology of a woman who suspects that she is suffering from these symptoms, and if this condition is not properly treated in a woman of childbearing age, it may increase the chance of developing endometrial cancer.

  • Pregnancy: When a woman is married, she should not rule out the occurrence of pregnancy as a reason for delaying her menstrual period, even if she uses methods to prevent pregnancy correctly and regularly. In fact, there are no 100% effective contraceptives. It is very important to make sure that a home pregnancy test and see a doctor if the pregnancy test gave a negative result, but there is still a delay in menstruation.

  • Some diseases: Suffering from uterine fibrosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes, and wheat allergy.

  • Breastfeeding: The menstrual cycle may be absent or delayed at intervals during the breastfeeding period, especially if breastfeeding is the only source of the baby's food.

Foods to help lower the menstrual period

Some foods that help get a menstrual cycle late for a reason other than pregnancy, including:

  • Vitamin C sources.
  • Ginger.
  • parsley.
  • Cinnamon.