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Vitamins To Increase Height

Vitamins To Increase Height

Height increase

There are many factors that affect human height, but genetics is the most influential; Where it is believed that genetic factors affect a rate ranging between 60-80% of the final height that a person reaches, and it is worth noting that a person acquires an average of 5.08 centimeters per year in the age period between one year and until puberty, and upon reaching puberty the rate of height increase increases to reach 10.16 centimeters per year, but this rate varies from person to person, and usually the increase in height stops after puberty, meaning that adult people do not increase in height most of the time, and therefore there are some tips that can be followed to increase height during adolescence, which will be mentioned in this article.

Vitamins help increase height

As mentioned previously, it is impossible for a person to choose his appropriate height because genes are the most important factor in determining human height, but there are some vitamins that can contribute to increasing human height, and we mention the following:

  • Vitamin A: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology indicated that taking vitamin A supplements at a dose equal to 6000 international units once a week for a whole year promoted height increase in children, and it was also found that taking iron supplements with vitamin A makes increasing height faster, and it was also found that Taking them together has the same effect as taking growth hormone supplements, but it should be noted that children should not be given vitamin A supplements without consulting a doctor, because eating large amounts of it may cause toxicity, and therefore sufficient amounts of vitamin A can be obtained through food, and from Foods rich in vitamin A, cod liver oil, beef liver, some full-fat dairy products, carrots, dried apricots, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

  • Vitamin D: As it has been observed that adolescent females who suffer from vitamin D deficiency have a lack of growth, or what is called stunting, and this may happen because vitamin D deficiency leads to osteoporosis, which weakens the bones and prevents their growth, but it should be noted that eating Large amounts of vitamin D can cause some damage and side effects such as nausea and vomiting, and can also lead to heart arrhythmias, kidney stones, and vitamin D can be obtained from foods such as milk, liver meat, and some fish such as mackerel, salmon, and cheese. , And egg yolks.

Nutrients to promote growth

There are many vitamins and minerals that children need during the growth period, which help them grow and develop in a healthy way, and among the most important of these vitamins are the following:

  • Calcium: As this mineral is important for strengthening the strength of bones, teeth, muscles, heart, and nerves, it can be obtained from milk, dried figs, yogurt, and other food sources.

  • Chromium: This element is important for regulating blood sugar levels and aiding in tissue development. It can be obtained from chicken and bread made from whole grains.

  • Copper: This is important for the formation of the heart, nervous system, bones, blood vessels, and arteries, and can be obtained from lentils, mangoes, and cashews.

  • Folic acid: The mother needs to take its nutritional supplements before pregnancy, and during the first three months of pregnancy; As it is important to close the tube that contains the central nervous system, as it contributes to maintaining the healthy functions of the brain, and pregnant women are advised to take 400 micrograms of its nutritional supplements, while its food sources include broccoli, oranges, and others.

  • Iodine: This element is important for regulating metabolism and nervous system development, and it can be obtained from iodized salt, dairy products, fish, milk, and seaweed.

  • Iron: which is important for the production of red blood cells that transport oxygen to the cells to help growth and energy production, and it is also important for building bones and teeth, and children can take nutritional iron supplements if prescribed by the doctor, as it can be obtained from food, such as meat, chickpeas Beans, and others.

  • Magnesium: This element helps build strong bones and teeth, regulate insulin and blood sugar levels, and it is important for building and repairing tissues in the body, and magnesium can be obtained by eating spinach, brown rice, and okra.

  • Manganese: This helps the development of the pancreas and bones and is important for the analysis of carbohydrates and fats in the body, and manganese can be obtained by eating nuts, black beans, and other foods.

  • Vitamin B5: This contributes to the regulation of levels of stress hormones, growth, and antibodies, as it contributes to the metabolism of fats and proteins, and this vitamin can be obtained by eating eggs, milk, and avocados.

  • Phosphorous: This element contributes to building bones and teeth, developing blood clotting processes, and a normal heartbeat. Phosphorous can be obtained by eating chickpeas, salmon, milk, and other foods.

  • Potassium: which is important for muscle activity and contractions, and also contributes to metabolism and nerve functions. It can be obtained by eating grapefruit, bananas, raisins, and other foods.

  • Vitamin B2: It is an important vitamin that promotes growth, human health, strong vision, and the development of muscles, nerves, and bones. It can be obtained by eating cheddar cheese, mushrooms, and yogurt.

  • Vitamin B1: It is important for converting carbohydrates into energy, developing the brain, and contributing to the growth of the nervous system and the heart.

  • Vitamin B6: This vitamin helps to metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and proteins and also contributes to the development of the nervous system and the brain, and the formation of red blood cells, and it can be obtained by eating bananas, chicken, tuna, and others.

  • Vitamin C: It is important for tissue repair, collagen production, and contributes to promoting bone strength and growth. It can be obtained from tomatoes, orange juice, broccoli, and strawberries.

  • Zinc: This element contributes to the formation of the organs, nerves, the skeleton, and the circulatory system, and can be obtained by eating sardines, meat, and sunflower seeds.