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Feet Massage Method

Feet Massage Method

Many people suffer from problems related to the feet that include feeling different pain; As a result of standing for long hours or engaging in work that requires walking, standing, and movement; Therefore, the sufferer begins to search for means to help relieve pain, and feel comfortable and relaxed, and one of these methods is massage or massage, and we will discuss below an easy way to massage the feet.

Preparing for the massage

By following these steps:

  • Fixation of the patient in an appropriate position so that his body is not tight, and he is in a state of rest and relaxation.
  • Putting a towel under the feet to avoid the cream or oil getting in the place and thus getting dirty.
  • Put the feet in a basin filled with warm-hot water for at least ten minutes, and you can add some essential oils or gel to it.
  • Rub the feet gently and gently to rid them of any dirt, and give the patient a feeling of comfort and relaxation.
  • Massaging them with a suitable cream, and it can be bought ready or prepared at home by mixing a range of substances such as almond, vanilla, camphor, in addition to lemon.

Basic foot massage

By following these steps:

  • Hold the lower part of the foot with both hands.
  • Gently rub the top of the foot. Even access to its core by pressing it back and forth.
  • Rub the heel with the thumb in small circular motions, and apply moderate to slight pressure on it; To scrub it all off.
  • Push the heel up and down using the thumb.
  • Massage the bone around the ankle with the hands; In order to rub the bone on the sides, preferably done gently to avoid straining the feet.
  • Massaging the soles of the feet with a fist, and it is possible to use the tops of the fingers to apply pressure on the arch.
  • Massage the toes of the feet, each finger separately, by pulling each finger to the upper side, and here it will pop, but the person will then feel completely comfortable.
  • Move your index finger back and forth in the gap between the fingers.
  • Move all fingers together at the same time, after massaging each one alone.

Other foot massage techniques

By following these steps:

  • Pressing the foot with both hands.
  • Dragging outward, just like the movement of milking.
  • Rub the foot in the Indian way, by placing the hand in the middle of the foot from the underside, and moving it back and forth.
  • Massage the joint by bending and straightening it by pressing it towards the top and bottom.
  • Massaging the long muscle near the so-called Achilles tendon, which ends just at the knee and is strongly linked to the movement of the foot muscles.

It is recommended during the massage, regardless of its type, to put calm music to help you relax and to make sure that you are not nervous or anxious before performing the massage to get the greatest and highest benefit.
Here is a short video laying out how to massage the feet: