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The Benefits Of Geen Tea For Weight Loss

Green tea

Tea has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes in both China and Japan, and it has many types, such as green tea, which was known by a number of names such as Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea, and is produced by exposing the fresh plant leaves to a little stream, and this tea is prepared from By soaking its leaves, which are either collected in tea bags, or separated and dried, in hot water for a short period of time, but you must make sure that the water is not very hot, in order to preserve the important chemicals in the tea leaves, and it is worth noting that green tea extract It is available in the form of capsules of different concentrations, so you must follow the instructions on the package to find the appropriate dose.

The Benefits Of Geen Tea For Weight Loss

The benefits of green tea for weight loss

Green tea has been known throughout the ages for its many beneficial uses, including Helping obese people lose excess weight and maintain lost weight, with the belief that it is able to increase the body's energy consumption, and it is worth noting that green tea preparations used for weight loss are prepared From green tea extract that contains high amounts of caffeine, and catechins, compared to a traditional green tea drink prepared from green tea bags and boiled water.

Green tea can benefit in weight loss by helping it increase the efficiency of the body's metabolism processes, which are those processes that allow the body to convert food and drink into usable energy, in addition to its caffeine and catechin antioxidant content, as these compounds can help To speed up metabolism, catechins can also help analyze excess body fats, and a comprehensive analysis published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2010 indicated that the consumption of catechins and caffeine in green tea supplements had a small positive effect on weight loss and maintenance. Therefore, in addition to this, some research indicates that tea has no effect on weight loss, although some evidence indicates that the active compound found in green tea, known as Epigallocatechin gallate, may help to lose a few kilograms of weight.

Green tea harms of weight loss

Many teas use extracts extracted from green tea to help them lose weight, and these extracts may affect the human body negatively, as their consumption can cause stomach pain and constipation, in addition to the fact that it may lead to the emergence of some side effects, due to its containment. On the caffeine compound, these effects range from mild to serious, including headache, nervousness, trouble sleeping, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, tremors, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and confusion, in addition to Consuming green tea extract can reduce the absorption of iron from food, while in some rare cases its consumption may cause liver and kidney problems.

It is worth noting that consuming large quantities of green tea extract is often considered unsafe and may be fatal, as the lethal dose of caffeine in green tea was estimated from 10 to 14 grams, equivalent to 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.