Water diet
This diet aims to lose weight quickly and in the short term, by following a low-calorie diet, by drinking water only for three days in a row, and according to the Institute for Psychological Research, the idea of this diet is that the body burns calories, To heat the cold water that is drunk, to bring it to a body temperature of 37.0 ° C, and the water increases the feeling of satiety without eating and works to reduce approximately 1.36-2.26 grams, but it should be noted that research on water diet has not been completed for a period of three days And that this system is largely rejected by doctors and the American Heart Association, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
The advantages of a water diet
This diet helps reduce bloating, nourish muscles, prevent fat accumulation, and it is considered a system to expel toxins from the body.
Cons of water diet
People can regain weight gain again after completing the diet, and it is not suitable for people who suffer from a serious disease, or who have recently undergone surgery, and it may cause a deficiency in vitamins, which leads to muscle breakdown, and complications of blood sugar symptoms, And it causes an increase in the frequent urge to urinate.
Drink water before meals
It is possible to drink water before meals to reduce appetite, as studies conducted on the elderly have shown that drinking water before each meal may increase weight loss by 2 kilograms over a period of 12 weeks, and another study has shown that drinking water before breakfast It helps to reduce the number of calories consumed during a meal by 13%, and drinking more water is associated with a decrease in the number of calories, thus reducing the chance of weight gain. This is because water is free of calories, unlike other drinks, which are high in calories and sugar.
A study was conducted on a group of overweight people by a group of British researchers. These people drank about 473 milliliters of water half an hour before each meal, while following a low-calorie diet, exercising, and strengthening their efforts to lose weight, and it was found that these people lost weight an average of 1.36 kg after 12 weeks, more than people who followed a low-calorie diet alone.